Upon graduating from Delhi University with a first-class degree in commerce, Parveen Sharma continued his academic pursuit by enrolling at Sri Venkateswara College. In 1996, he praveen sharma pendrive classes successfully passed the Chartered Accountancy Exam and achieved exceptional rankings on the Merit List for both the Intermediate and Final exams. Later, in July 2007, he completed a post-graduate degree program that specifically focused on Indian Accounting Standards and US GAAP. Throughout his academic and professional journey, Parveen Sharma has demonstrated remarkable expertise in the field of accountancy. He praveen sharma classes holds a Licentiate of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and an Associate Membership of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India. Parveen Sharma's academic accomplishments include topping Delhi University with a perfect score of 100% in Accountancy and receiving a Gold Medal in the 1990 Accounting Olympiad. In 2006-2007...